Breast Implant Illness- is it REAL? with Christina Roulund
This week on Leveling Up, we discuss a different type of topic. Today, we sit down with Christina Dennis who is the founder of size-happy, who helps with a positive body image. She’s also a big advocate for B.I.I. Education (Breast Implant Illness Education)
Now, before you jump off of this episode, I urge you to listen in because of how important this topic is. There is so much more education happening about it, and it’s important to know the truth.
A little disclaimer: I’ve had breast implants since I was 19 years old, and I’ve had six surgeries for them..SIX! I don’t believe I have B.I.I, but I certainly have had complications.
So, dive in and learn from Christina on why this has become so important.
In this episode, you will learn:
What is B.I.I.
What are some of the risks of breast implants
Why your outer appearance has nothing to do with your inner acceptance
How you can get a positive body image
The post Breast Implant Illness- is it REAL? with Christina Roulund appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.
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